Now the free version of the CAESAR
2.0 package is available!
Click here
to download the setup package (CAESAR2.ZIP, size: 19.567 MB) into a
temporary sub-directory. After unzipping all 5 setup files click on the file Setup.exe and follow the
instructions on the screen to perform installation. The installation procedure
will create a default folder under the Program Files directory to store
executable modules, examples and the manual. The shortcut icon of the package is
also created on user's desktop. The user may change the working directory during
installation. All input/output files should be stored in a proper data
directory, say, c:\primeColor\caesar 2.0\data\
The package includes:
- all executable modules and DLLs of CAESAR 2.0
- the manual for CAESAR 1.0
- the samples for CAESAR 1.0
- "what's new in CAESAR 2.0" documents
- the samples for CAESAR 2.0
It should be noted that most input files of the samples for CAESAR 1.0
can be used by CAESAR 2.0 without or with a minor modification. For benefiting from the
advanced features of CAESAR 2.0 the user may need to add related keywords
in some input files.
The free version of CAESAR 2.0 is supported by Windows 9X, NT and XP.